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Akansha Bakshi

The Untold Secret To Mastering THE POWER OF WORDS In Just 2 Days!

Very often we speak and listen to words around us without realising the implications and the power of consequences. Words carry so much energy. Whether you speak to them or hear others around you. I am sure we have all grown up hearing '“Be careful what you wish for” the deep underlying reason for that is that our words have the power to make things happen. They send our vibrations and energy that we are attracting, and the universe aligns itself to reflect that energy back to us.

Let’s try an experiment!

Here is what I want you to do over a span of two random days.



I want you to pay attention to people around you whether you’re interacting with your family, friends, colleagues or even just watching the news. Now make an effort to really observe them. Notice who all end up speaking positively to you in a day and who all end up speaking rather negative. Now by negative, it doesn’t have to mean they are abusive or using foul language.

Negative comments can also be like:

  • The news says X amount of people died; we have high chance of getting the Coronavirus too

  • If they are constantly complaining about trivial things or small things someone didn't do

  • They could also just see your face first thing in the morning and make a fuss about you have not greeted them that instantly

  • Whenever you interact with them the stories, instances or anything they share doesn’t have a positive outlook and focusses more on all that is wrong around them and you

  • If they comment on you always for that one thing you didn’t do VS notice and comment about the 10 other things, you did

  • If someone around you always plays the victim and tries to indulge in self-pity, expressing all the things that stood in their way to do something.

If you notice people like this or similar around you. On the first of two days, interact with them just a little bit more than you usually would. I guarantee you whether its 5, 10 - 30 mins to an hour or more. See how that energy will firstly reflect onto you and how your speech will start having negative words. This may even happen unknowingly. Before you know it, you could feel low and off.

DAY 2:

Now on Day 2, do the opposite. Find people around you who uplift you, instead of watching the news. Watch a feel good movie or a comedy maybe. Make it a point not to let even one negative word come out of your mouth and surround yourself with people who usually tend to have a good energy around them.

Positive statements you can notice:

  • Oh, wow it’s such a bright day today

  • I am very sure that the world will heal and we will all come out stronger, better and defeat Covid-19

  • I can keep myself busy and find constructive ways to spend time during this lockdown

  • Simple compliments and gestures

  • People who are making efforts to make someone’s birthday, baby shower, anniversary special selflessly

  • Friends who call in and check in on how you’re doing!

You will get a vibe and a difference amongst people around you and how your behavior also changes and so does your mood.


Now there is a part TWO of this experiment.

For a period of 10 days if not more. Work on yourself and try to speak positively only, the minute a negative thought or something disturbing pops up, say pause to yourself. Distract yourself and avoid churning it in your mind. The important thing to note here is

  • You must autosuggest positive thoughts to yourself only

  • The minute you feel low, try to switch out asap, call a friend, watch something funny, look back on good memories

  • Think before you speak, mind your words before saying them out loud.

  • Try to notice good things around you or at least the things that are working for you and make a mental note of it. If you noticed the birds chirping. Take a minute and soak it in.

  • If you did something productive today. Be grateful to the universe for having the mind and talent to be able to do so. Feel good about yourself and compliment yourself. You don’t need anyone else’s validation but your own!

  • If you tried something new or different. Feel happy. Smile. You should always try to uplift your mood with small or big wins!

The point of this experiment is for you to see for yourself the difference words can make in your life and the power they have to make or break your day. I have noticed myself on days when I overwatch the news and listen to negativity around me. I tend to get soaked in and start feeling really low and hassled. It makes me unnecessarily paranoid and worried.

Then there have been days, which sometimes have been harder. But I have made a conscious effort to keep my spirits up and try to stay happy and positive. Those days have also turned around and been good. More than that I feel as long as I am positive, I can find a solution to any problems or have the strength to go through with it. I will focus on finding the solution instead of focusing on the problem and indulging in self-pity.

There are two kinds of people out there. One, who will make you feel good and you like being around them and you also realise they help you grow. Second, are the downers who can never see the glass half full. Who you surround yourself with make a difference. Choose your tribe wisely. be careful of the words around you and from you.

It’s a constant struggle on a day to day basis, but once you put this into practice. Trust me your outlook on life will change and the power of words will attract good things towards you.

Also know, all of us from any walk of life, faces the same fundamental insecurities. We are all born of the same internal human conflict.

So, you’re not in this alone. Let’s take this journey together. I am there for you. Share your experience with me. Just let it out. Let me know how it goes and have a Magnificent Day!

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